Sport Psychology Articles to stimulate your golf mind...
Sport psychology articles. At its core, sport psychology is all about states. Articles on this page will cater to this aspect of sports psychology.
With the term "states" I'm referring to the internal states which generate the most direct influence on performance. Needless to say, fitness, how you treat your body, mental training regiments, and other areas are home to the field of sport psychology.
Yet in the final analysis ones ability to enter appropriate states is the defining element in sport psychology. Look at any top level athlete in competition and you'll find a living example of applied sports psychology.
Sport Psyschology Article Content
A brief list of focus areas are as follows:
What is the best state for a given situation/competition?
Which mental exercises produce the most superior results?
What is a true peak performance state, specifically?
Do visualization strategies and mental imagery training measurably influence performance?
If so, which kinds of mental imagery and visualization methods are most effective?
Is there a generic approach that every athlete can utilize to play at their peak or are there applications of sport psychology that are specific to each individual?
This is a good starting point for our discussion and will serve as the basis for future Sport psychology articles to be added to this page. They will focus on sports psychology as it applies to any sport including Olympics, track and field, golf, gymnasts, triathletes, team sports psychology, skiing, etc..
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Sports Psychology Articles
Can Golf Hypnosis Damage Your Game?
Why Tiger Woods Wears Red
Mind Clutter In Golf
Learning How To Learn So Your Game Improves the Right Way
Golf Playing in the Moment
Pulling the Trigger Under the Gun
Improve Concentration
Juinor Golf Mental Game
Improve Mental Skills
Mental Imagery For Golf
How to Improve Mental Focus
How to Handle Distractions
Tiger Can't Match the Mental Toughness of a 14 Year Old Girl
Pressure, the US Open, and Your Golf Game
Preshot Visualization Routine
First Tee Jitters
What is the Worst "Lie' in Golf?
Comfort Zones - How they sabotage your scores
Swing Trigger
Winning is a habit, unfortunately so is losing!
Sport Psychology Articles
#1 Way to Calm your Nerves in Golf
Sport Psychology Articles
Mental Golf Game Training